Наша школа
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
Полоса препятствий
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
Акция "Красота и грация"
"Мы отдыхаем"
1 неделя смены пришкольного оздоровительного лагеря " Радуга"
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
Районный конкурс
" Учитель года-2016"
Барматкова М.А учитель начальных классов МОУСОШ с. Ушинка ,занявшая 3 место
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
день героя
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
новый год
зимнии забавы 2017
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
Фотографии май